Union Village FAQs

Questions about HOA Dues, etc.

How much are Union Village HOA dues?
Union Village HOA dues are currently $110 annually, which is one of the lowest rates in the area.

Where will my dues invoices be sent?

All Union Village HOA correspondence, including HOA dues invoices, will be sent to your Union Village address UNLESS you notify the HOA Board that you have an alternate mailing address. If we do not have your correct mailing address, you're not going to receive your invoice. This may result in unpaid dues, which may result in your loss of voting rights in any HOA matter. If delinquent dues accumulate, it may also result in a lien being filed against your property.

When do I need to pay my HOA dues?

Union Village HOA dues are currently payable in the amount of $55 biannually in January and July. The HOA Treasurer sends out invoices to each homeowner. If you would like to pay the annual amount of $110 in January, you may do so.

How do I pay my HOA dues?
Currently, you may use the following payment methods: personal check, cashier check, money order, or online through your bank (like Bill Pay). To pay the HOA online, you would log into your bank account and authorize them to send the HOA a check. All payments should be made to Union Village HOA, P.O. Box 1060, Union, KY  41091. If your bank asks for a phone number, you can just enter your own number.

What happens if I don’t pay my dues?
Invoices for dues are mailed on the first of January and July each year. Payment is due by the 14th day of those months. Any payment not received by the 14th becomes delinquent. If the assessment is not paid within thirty (30) days after the due date (which would be February 14 and August 14), it will accrue interest at a rate of 12% per annum and incur a 10% late fee. Once the amount owed to the HOA reaches $110, a lien will be filed on the property, which automatically adds a minimum of $500 to the amount owed. 

What does it mean to be in “good standing”?
Homeowners are in good standing when their HOA dues are paid in full and they do not have any violations against the Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions. If you owe dues or have a violation, you are not eligible to vote in any HOA matter and the Board will not consider any requests until you are once again in good standing.

I wasn’t told there was a HOA and/or I didn’t receive a copy of the Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions prior to purchasing my home – do I still have to pay dues and/or follow the Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions?
As a homeowner in Union Village, you are bound by the current Covenants, Conditions regardless of whether you were aware of them prior to purchasing your home. Your realtor should provide you with information on the HOA, but it is ultimately your responsibility to research all aspects of your potential home/neighborhood. The HOA Board of Directors is very responsive to inquiries prior to purchase.

How do I get a copy of the current HOA financial statement and/or meeting minutes?

Requests for financial statements or meeting minutes can be sent to erpenbeckmw@gmail.com or P.O. Box 1060, Union, KY 41091.

Questions about property

Can I have a shed on my property?

According to the Union Village Covenant, Conditions, and Restrictions, there may not be any outbuildings of any kind on the lots. Violations can result in action by the Board of Directors, and may range from removal of the violation and billing the homeowner for any expenses incurred, to filing a lien against the property if the homeowner does not pay the expenses. Attorney fees will also become the responsibility of the homeowner.

Can I park my boat/camper/trailer/jet skis, etc. on my property?

According to the Union Village Covenant, Conditions, and Restrictions, boats, campers, trailers, jet skis, etc. may not be parked in the driveways or lots longer than a few days. Violations can result in action by the Board of Directors, and may range from removal of the violation and billing the homeowner for any expenses incurred, to filing a lien against the property if the homeowner does not pay the expenses. Attorney fees will also become the responsibility of the homeowner. If you have any questions about whether or not something is allowed, please contact the HOA Board of Directors.

My garbage cans/recycle bins really stink, can I leave them outside?

According to the Union Village Covenant, Conditions, and Restrictions, garbage cans and recycle bins are not permitted to remain outside any living unit. Homeowners who violate this restriction will receive a letter from the HOA Board of Directors giving them 30 days to correct the violation. Violations can result in action by the Board of Directors, and may range from removal of the violation and billing the homeowner for any expenses incurred, to filing a lien against the property if the homeowner does not pay the expenses. Attorney fees will also become the responsibility of the homeowner.

Pool and fence questions

Where can I get keys or the code to the neighborhood pool?

Sorry - there is no neighborhood pool. The pool you see on Richmond Rd. is part of the Arbor Springs subdivision and is not for use by Union Village residents.

Can I have a pool?

Yes, but according to the Union Village Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions, it must be an in-ground pool and you need to follow guidelines put in place by the city/county. A temporary above-ground pool is permitted during the summer months if it is less than 18 inches in height/depth (the pool, not the water).

Can I have a fence? Does it need to be a Kentucky 3- or 4-board?
Fences are permitted with conditions. The Kentucky 3- or 4-Board is the only style that does not require prior approval. The fence must also meet the guidelines in the Union Village Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions as to height and placement. Any other style must be approved by the HOA Board of Directors. If you put up a fence without following the guidelines or approval, you run the risk of having to remove the fence and incurring any accompanying fees. Attorney fees will also become the responsibility of the homeowner.

Nuisance questions

There is a yard that hasn't been mowed for awhile and the grass is pretty long. Can the HOA Board of Directors fine the homeowner or tell them to mow?
The Union Village Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions do not give the Board of Directors any authority over this issue. However, the City of Union has a Nuisance Committee that handles this sort of problem. The current Code Enforcement Officer is Brent Caldwell. You can reach him at 859-384-1511, enforcement@cityofunionky.org or fill out a form online at http://www.cityofunionky.org/code-enforcement/. Other types of violations that can be reported: broken windows, chipping paint, trash in yards, junk vehicles, noise, etc.

Filing a Complaint

I have a complaint, but I want to remain anonymous.
The HOA Board of Directors does not consider anonymous complaints. If you have a complaint, you should submit it, with your name, to the Board. Your name will not be disclosed except in the extreme case where we might be advised to do so by our attorney.

Contacting the HOA Board of Directors

How do I contact the Board of Directors?

You can contact the Board of Directors via email, USPS letter, contact form on the HOA website, or in the Union Village HOA Facebook group. The email addresses are listed in the group, on the HOA website, and at the bottom of every letter. Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 1060, Union, KY 41091. Email response is usually within 24-48 hours. 

How long does it take to get a response from the Board of Directors?
We try to answer all emails (or questions on Facebook) within 24 hours. We try to make a decision on any requests within 48 hours.

Some reasons why you may not hear from us within 48 hours:

  • We did not receive your email. If you do not hear from us within 48 hours, please try again.
  • Board member(s) you contacted is/are on vacation or out of town and aren’t checking their email as often as usual. Please be patient. We are volunteers and have jobs, take vacations, etc.
  • All requests made by homeowners in good standing are usually approved or denied within 24-48 hours. If you have sent a request that requires approval and have been informed by letter that you are not in good standing, there will be a delay. The length of the delay depends upon you. The Board will not even consider the request until you are once again in good standing.